Thursday, January 30, 2014

Okay, I Suck! Blog Catch-Up

Okay – so I suck!  I am so far behind on my blogs it is unbelievable.  There have been so many trips that I have taken that I have yet to either write about, or I have half written about them, but have never finished them or posted them, and they are just sitting on my computer.  I would like to say I have a good excuse, like I am travelling too much, however, with all of that travel comes A LOT, and I mean A LOT of downtime on the plane.  And truth be told, I have pretty much run out of movies to watch.  So just like now, what I should be doing when I am trying to kill some time in the air, is get caught up on my blog.  In my defense though, I don’t always travel with my personal laptop (usually don’t), only my iPad, so it makes it difficult to post as there won’t be any pictures.  I know, I know, that is really a lame excuse.

I am not going to make any firm commitments to get better, but I am really, really, really going to try.  I am also going to go back and dust off some of my half written posts from earlier in the year, and will post those too.  So for the next little while you might get a whole hodgepodge of posts from really random places – my apologies.  And really, I don’t have that many regular followers anyway, except for maybe John Brown, so by the time most of you will have read this, it could be months after the post anyway and then it won’t really matter.  I guess what I am really trying to say is that there will be no good sequencing to my posts!

To give you an idea of what still need to blog about, they include:

  My trip to the Ukraine in July
·           Some more about Beijing because I have now been there 5 times and now look at it through a very different lens
·      Paris in July
·      London in July
·      Trip to Brunei – a bit more about it, I know I did one post.
·      More about my trip to Honduras in September
·      My trip to Costa Rica in December
Oh wow!  It looks like I have a lot to reminisce about about!  I have also decided to start posting a bit information on some of the places that I have been staying, as well as some of the airlines as I am branching out.

Speaking of movies on planes, I sometimes use my flights as opportunities to re-watch those “old classics” or rather my favourites, like Mama Mia.  I LOVE that movie and every time that there is the scene where Pierce Bronsnan sings SOS, I burst out laughing because although he was great for that role, he is a horrid singer and that scene is just painful!  LOL!

Let’s begin the old blogs. . . .and some new ones too!